

You can watch K1 pronight battles at the link below
Kickboxing Association of Uzbekistan - a new step in international cooperation In the capital of the United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi, the chairman of the Uzbek Kickboxing Association Oybek Narmetov and the head of the international department Odil Baykuziev held important negotiations. During the meeting, a number of important issues related to the development of WAKOPRU in Uzbekistan were discussed. The meeting was attended by WAKOPRO Director Carlos Ramjanali, Ishii Kazuyoshi - founder of K1, WAKOPRO Director of Japan and Chairman of the Abu Dhabi Kickboxing Association Ali Bin Ali Khouri. These negotiations became an important step aimed at further strengthening international ties in the field of kickboxing, implementing new promising projects and creating new opportunities for Uzbek athletes.
Our kickboxer Rayimjonov Davlatbek will fight in the "K1 pronight" tournament In this fight between professionals, which will take place on December 14 in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates We wish the state good luck! "Forward Uzbekistan!
Uzbekistan Cup gala finals in Bukhara region
🏆Uzbekistan Cup Bukhara 24-30 November
Dear friends, we sincerely congratulate you on International Kickboxing Day!!!
Kickboxers of Uzbekistan went to the first world championship held in Turkey on November 18-24 of this year
Uzbekistan athletes are returning from Almaty with a high result!


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Khojaev Asadzhon Azatbekovich

Director of the Agency for Information and Mass Communications under the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Uzbekistan and President of the Kickboxing Association of Uzbekistan


Narmetov Oybek Toychiboyevich

Chairman of the Kickboxing Association of Uzbekistan


Isakov Azamat

Secretary General of the Kickboxing Association of Uzbekistan


Aliev Bekzod Ibrahimovich

Chief coach of Kickboxing Association of Uzbekistan, chairman of Jizzakh regional department


Muxamedjanov Temur Amirdjanovich

Chief Judge of the Kickboxing Association of Uzbekistan, Chairman of the Tashkent city branch



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